Unchanging one...
Here is another video from Todd Agnew. This is really where I am right now with God. But it does raise some questions for me. God is definately Unchanging, and He loves us no matter what we say or do. But if we look back through His word, we see examples of where he dealt some severe punishment on His people when they were disobedient to what he asked them to do. How does that apply to us today? How can we keep from getting into that place where we think, "I can do whatever I want because God is merciful and forgiving and therefore, I can just walk how I want and basically get away with it". I think that so many people look at God this way, and I want to know how to reach those types of people to know the God that I serve - to fear Him in the reverent way that I do - but yet know Him as the loving Father that I know Him to be. When we come to his throne, God doesn't see you and me approaching, but sees His son coming to him.
This question has really been burning in me lately. Please let me know what you think about this. I value the comments I get on here, and please leave them! Also, don't feel funny about leaving one about this subject based on what others have said. I think all of our opinions are valuable and even if they don't line up with what someone else has commented, that's OK.
Here's the video: