I know...I know... it has been forever since I posted, but that's just where I've been at...
Anyway, I'm in St Louis this week on business. Things are going great here and God has really blessed me with getting a lot of stuff done that was long over due! Finally the St Louis plant is happy with my department again!!!
It has been about 85 degrees here and beautiful until yesterday afternoon. All of the sudden a huge storm rolled in! Now I'm not just talking about a little rain or anything, I'm talking about rain so hard that you can't see the car in front of you - Lightning so often that it was literally non-stop - Thunder so loud that is was shaking my car as I drove down the road. All I could think was, "Now I know how Noah felt!". The drive that normally would have taken 15 minutes took me 45, we never got any faster than 10mph!!!! The wildest thing was that the rain was coming down so hard that the drains on the highway couldn't keep up. I'm not exaggerating, it was several inches deep on the road!!! At
multiple times trucks heading the other direction on the other side of the median were throwing water over the dividing wall and all the way across all three of our lanes!!!!!!! Which of course added to all the rain that was coming down. I've never seen so much water falling from the sky!
One place they were building a new overpass and they had a huge crane sitting beside the road. This thing was probably 5 or 6 stories high, and there were no trees around it. I saw lightning strike that thing twice while I was floating along the highway!! Don't tell me lightning doesn't strike the same place twice!!!
Anyway, I'm really having a great time with God while I'm down here. I've started reading a great new book called "
Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow's Success" by John Maxwell. If you have never read any of his books, please do. They are great and he is a God-gifted writer and speaker. This book is 310 pages long and I read the first 120 or so while I waited for my plane and during the flight! The idea of the book is that Today is the only thing you can control so you shouldn't worry about yesterday or tomorrow. His best quote at the
beginning of the book is "Yesterday ended at midnight". This is great if you really think about it because if you come to the realization that yesterday is done - you can't change it - you can't fix what you did wrong or do anything any better than you already did it, then life is much easier!!!! Dealing with tomorrow is the same way... it's not here yet... you can plan for it, but you have no control over what it is going to bring or be like. You can try to set yourself up for it to be a certain way, but you can't control how it will end up. God is the only one who can do these things and if we rest in the fact that He is in control of the yesterdays,
todays and tomorrows, then we can just enjoy what he has given us - Life, and life more