I just wanted to share a vision that I received from God last night while my wife and I were praying together. It was really cool because we were feeding off of each other as we prayed. She is such an awesome woman of God!
Anyway - the vision:
Somewhere along the line one of us brought up something to the affect of "God cleanse us of all unrightousness". And then she talked about a prophecy that Her and I received a while back from the FMC Intercessors about her and I being vessels of silver. I then got the vision of The Father standing at the sink doing dishes. He was washing two silver vessels while smiling and singing. He looked at me and said, these are you two. Every day the vessels get used just like dishes and by the end of the day they are dirty and need washed so they can be used again the next day. But if we don't come to The Father every day to get cleaned, that junk that is left on us (just like food on a plate) gets hard and dried on. Eventually if left long enough will get nasty and moldy...and nobody wants to touch moldy food let alone a vessel that contains moldy stuff.
I'll leave this to be pondered... :)
Isn't God good? All the time!!!
That is a cool picture of Father taking care of us. Thanks for sharing!
that is a great picture! I love it.
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